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"To create healthier more resilient forests so future generations will have natural resources to enjoy and sustain their lives with."


Our team, led by Consulting Forester Rachel Wood, have created the GoodWood® source verification and chain-of-custody program to ensure the future well-being of our forests. Buying wood with the GoodWood® label means you are helping to protect our forests by using local wood products sourced from management practices that improve forest health and decrease the risk of catastrophic wildfire.


And by knowing where your wood comes from, you can “buy local” products grown and processed in your area, so local workers are supported, community economies are strengthened, and fewer fossil fuels are used for transport.

Mission Statement

The Source Verified Good Wood® program strives to protect our forests from catastrophic wildfire, insects and diseases during this critical time of climate change. By fostering a market for responsibly sourced wood products, we allow more acres of restoration to be done, and benefit the forests, people, and economic well-being of the Southwest now and into the future.    

Vision Statement

To create healthy, balanced forest ecosystems and watersheds more resilient to warming temperatures and extreme weather events to help keep our planet cool and our trees, plants, water, wildlife, soil, air and other resources intact and healthy for future generations.

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